Monday, October 19, 2009

The Transformation of Annihilation

The attainment of Angel Realization (variously termed as Samadhi, or Gnosis etc.) is the first of a process very aptly described as a 'radical undoing'. What is being undone, is a very difficult thing to describe to those without the experience of what lies beyond. Even now, as I blog and communicate with the English language, these words can only ever be an ignorant (and even at their best simply an illumined ignorance) reflection, or throwing off of that Divine Gnosis.

In the old Qabalistic system, an Abyss separated the realms of Matter, Life, and Mind from the pure actuality of reality, termed in Qabalistic parlance as the 'Supernal Realm.' And for very practical purposes, this Abyss is very real. It is a place of dispersion, and danger. The knot of ignorance we know as the self, has very complicated and ever fresh means of deceiving us into thinking we have become enlightened, or somehow 'realized'. This is the Abyss. It is itself beyond Matter, Life (body) and Mind, but is itself a subtle perception of self, the ego's sense of itself in its most subtle and pure aspect.

There is a lot of fuss over this process in traditional western occult lore. Everyone must do the research for themselves to discover the dangers, realities, and eventual issue into the supernal realm beyond the Abyss. The point however, which needs to be made very clear, is that ultimately the Abyss must be totally dissolved, and a Godward path made the whole 'tree of life' or cycle of attainment. A true Magician sees no difference between the world of form with its infinitudes of experience and the ideal realities of the supernal realm, sachchidananda, samadhi, and all the various other infinite forms of the divine Gnosis.

The traditionalists, especially of the Golden Dawn tradition, will publicly claim this is an absurdity. They will also claim that it is not possible to 'cross the abyss' while living. Let me be clear that there is an important grain of truth in this view. As we are now, embedded in the ignorance of Matter, Body, and Mind, we cannot truly make a Godward approach, and live in the ideal realm beyond the Abyss. The point of our experiments as Magicians after attaining to the initial glimpse of the Divine Gnosis, is too; from repeated and constant visitations and realizations of this state, bring the Divine Realization down into the knot of ignorance consisting of Matter, Body, Mind, and Self-Perception.

This is a divine alchemy, and the goal of this process is nothing less than the complete and radical undoing and transformation of the knot of the ego. Annihilation in this case is not a destruction by any stretch of the imagination, but a transcendence of the ego and negation of it. The ego becomes transparent. Annihilation of the ego can therefore be stated as "A Radical Undoing of the Knot of Ego whereby Transparency to the Divine Gnosis is attained".

This is something that may very well take us many lifetimes. And a lusting after these results, the ultimate fruit, will prevent its attainment. The experimentations of Magick are designed to compress this process into the most expedient means possible to the ego-sense and soul power as it is. This process is in actuality a breaking down and dissolution of the Abyss itself. Even a little experience with the Abyss will reveal that a dissolution of the Abyss is similar to proposing the disappearance of a black hole. The pure realms beyond the 'event horizon' of the Abyss have got to be realized as the working power and fundamental reality behind, around, above, and supporting the entire pageantry of this knot of ego that we are charged by our Angel to dissolve.

It is through this process that the powers of Magick and meta-normal human development are liberated. These may be taken as the signs of a divine transmutation. Their reality may be verified by the perfectly indifferent view the Magician takes to these powers. They are only the Divine if liberated by a growth that makes the development of these powers somehow meaningless, a simple side-effect of the real development.

A perfect annihilation is already being consummated. The Divine is working, and we have no choice in the realization. We do have a choice in whether or not we pick up the Divine Tools and set about the Magnum Opus that has been given as a gift to each and every one of us. By picking up these tools, the process of realization becomes a joy, and bliss; peace and delight. Without this choice of doing the Magnum Opus, the world is suffering and struggle. We have but only to devote our works, feel the relation, and know the truth ... this is enough to consummate the Divine Transmutation.

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