Saturday, December 19, 2009

-- It Snows on Neptune between 9 and 11 and 11 and 1 --

the powers of the sphinx
will not support you in this
such designations and mysteries
are for the uninitiated

Of Neptune we speak
the seven Princes of Light
At the top of your head
in a three-fold delight

breaking over the sword
its hot tempered seal
tliob g monons
manin od butmona

carma de zimz
niisa de tianta
luciftias peripsol
quasahi poamal

and the arrow of light
heading straight to the moon
between 9 and 11
and 11 and 1, Neptune

Let it Snow
Let it Snow

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Relativity Mind

Meaning and Belief are bound by contexts. Contexts themselves are boundless.

Allowing this form of awareness to settle in can take some time. Even though the Magician can do anything or be anything, without rules or limitations ... these powers are seemingly meaningless from the time they are granted/gained. They inevitably amount to little more than masturbation from the transcended height that allows them to be.

Relativity Mind is fully encompassed in an Integral Awareness, which allows right and wrong to exist as they are, present, and real. This is the Magnum Opus itself. It is this sense of 'The Great Work' that becomes the anchor for which meaning and belief can become real and absolute things in themselves.

Whereas meaning and belief based on a structure of cultural moors and parental habits are themselves a living and sensible karma; meaning and belief based on a transcendence (itself intimately aware of a divine Gnosis) are more purely real. Both versions of meaning and belief are bound by context, but the latter transcendence negates the duality of the 'lower' context; whereas the former karma is completely involved and subject to it.

Ken Wilber is fond of saying 'the subject of one stage (context) becomes the object of the subject of the transcendent stage (context)'. This is thoroughly correct.

For Magicians who cannot transcend, what awaits is a pointless, meaningless, Nietzschien and Existential Void. Everything is feasible because nothing that 'is' is fundamentally real. This is a precarious stage of growth to be in, and there is no guarantee that growth out of this void is going to happen within the life span. There is no anchor in reality that makes decisions different, let alone worth making in the first place. This is variously called the 'Vacuum and Dispersion of the Abyss', the Demon Choronzon, 'A Black Frater', D'aath, etc. etc.

However, the true void; beyond the dualities but yet embracing them, is the home of all sweet succor of Divine Delight, sachchidananda, and other forms of Divine Gnosis that have provided inspiration to human brains, and are the very same powers which presently caused/cause/causing the entire pageantry of involution/evolution. These Divine Gnosis', infinite and yet one, take hold of our lower parts, negate their dualities, and find their delight in the dance of Magnum Opus.

The self, the karma, has become transparent. The ego does not die, dissolve, or disappear. In fact, the ego tends to swell to more epic proportions as its sense of fear is dissolved, for the transcendent Gnosis' has never entered into the stream of time, and is more intimately the 'Self' (I-I) than any ego could be. It possesses the ego such as it is, ready or not. (This is why it is recommended for Magicians to have a psychotherapist, who can work on integrating the ego into a fuller expression of itself)

The Divine Gnosis is the thinker, doer, mover, maker, watcher, and knower of the entire knot of suffering and samsara the ego finds itself in. By transcendence, we realize we are not that in us which is afraid to die. From this position, real life decisions have a right and a wrong, and there is but one choice ... Magnum Opus, the Great and Divine Work. This is Relativity Mind.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Perception of Form

Belief is a tool. This is the basic tenet of what is known as Chaos Magick. Its applications however, are more far reaching than one simple branch of magick. Annihilation of the Ego brings with it a sense of unreality. This unreality can become a full blown existential crisis. The common cry of 'God is Dead' captures this sentiment exactly.

Reality is unfolded by belief structures maintained by the subconscious mind in its interaction with the unconscious awareness. It is intuitively clear that these belief structures hold sway over the way in which each individual perceives their reality experience. Shared sets of fundamental belief structures, commonly referred to as culture, provide a communal experience which is fundamental to humanity. Each person however has a very unique set of experiences which color and flavor even a common set of shared beliefs.

These belief structures are maintained by the subconscious mind, and for a majority of the human race, never change. A Magician understands the nature of belief, and utilizes belief itself in order to unfold a specific experience of reality.

This is not a 'fake it till you make it' type of experience even though it may start out that way in its infancy. The subconscious mind does not readily change its program. The physical brain itself, while maintaining a changeableness known as 'neuroplasticity', is still hardwired with a neural net that will continue on its programmed course until its demise.

It is however possible to grow and maintain new neural pathways, and atrophy old ones. This process can be achieved in as little as one hundred days for an experienced practitioner. A new set of neural pathways properly initiated and maintained will literally unfold a new reality to the perceiving conscious mind. It will seem as if a magickal effect has taken place. This is the point.

Since all belief is based on perceptions, which are themselves false and dualistic, everything is permitted. I can be a Christian one day, and a Satanist 100 days later. These sets of beliefs will unfold vastly different versions of reality. Perhaps the best tool to demonstrate this to oneself, is to assimilate that which one is repelled by, and ignore that which one is attracted to. This practice taken to an extreme will reveal very simply the false and plastic nature of all belief.

For instance, if you hate Oysters, then eat oysters. If you practice this long enough, you will find yourself enjoying Oysters one day.

You may ask, what the hell is the point?


The brain secretes and transmits to the body the most potent and fundamentally efficient and brilliant chemicals when falling in love. Being able to fall in love at will then becomes a tool for providing a very specific and miraculous reality to the conscious perceptions.

In Maat magick, we see this notion in the romantic 'Dancing of the Mask'. Since the fundamental reality is formless and radically empty (not two and not one), we are always wearing a mask anyway. Many people have many masks and become different people in different situations. A magician wears whatever mask he feels like, based on a knowledge of what reality that will unfold. i.e. There is no mask, and there is no dancer.

A mask is a belief structure, and so is the dance. This is the Perception of Form.

Relativity however, alters the game slightly.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

-- alterations --

Upon an unchanged wind
does a fluttering dream transpire
to cast its altered glance
upon the seed of a desire

All is twisted and remarked
turned into spirals moving upward
and in the stream of programmed thoughts
a spark is swimming faster forward

these results which we entail
of alterations on the subtle spheres
reaching through the involution
evolution turns to tears

the greatest act is acting not
in simple moments spontaneity
do we confess the simple way
of compressed trans-duality

a phasing of the being
alters the instinctual ayre
and all are acting hence within
observing plays of differing pairs

who knows how such the unchanged wind
is in its nature that of change itself
for meaning is in love with memory
and truth is something called no-self

and what was before is turned to not
altering visions of all future's past
and in its place a vacuum abyss
by character impossible to last

Free Will has had its way with you
and its not that knot that is gonna choose
the wind remains unchanged
twas just the ego being altered

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Transformation of Annihilation

The attainment of Angel Realization (variously termed as Samadhi, or Gnosis etc.) is the first of a process very aptly described as a 'radical undoing'. What is being undone, is a very difficult thing to describe to those without the experience of what lies beyond. Even now, as I blog and communicate with the English language, these words can only ever be an ignorant (and even at their best simply an illumined ignorance) reflection, or throwing off of that Divine Gnosis.

In the old Qabalistic system, an Abyss separated the realms of Matter, Life, and Mind from the pure actuality of reality, termed in Qabalistic parlance as the 'Supernal Realm.' And for very practical purposes, this Abyss is very real. It is a place of dispersion, and danger. The knot of ignorance we know as the self, has very complicated and ever fresh means of deceiving us into thinking we have become enlightened, or somehow 'realized'. This is the Abyss. It is itself beyond Matter, Life (body) and Mind, but is itself a subtle perception of self, the ego's sense of itself in its most subtle and pure aspect.

There is a lot of fuss over this process in traditional western occult lore. Everyone must do the research for themselves to discover the dangers, realities, and eventual issue into the supernal realm beyond the Abyss. The point however, which needs to be made very clear, is that ultimately the Abyss must be totally dissolved, and a Godward path made the whole 'tree of life' or cycle of attainment. A true Magician sees no difference between the world of form with its infinitudes of experience and the ideal realities of the supernal realm, sachchidananda, samadhi, and all the various other infinite forms of the divine Gnosis.

The traditionalists, especially of the Golden Dawn tradition, will publicly claim this is an absurdity. They will also claim that it is not possible to 'cross the abyss' while living. Let me be clear that there is an important grain of truth in this view. As we are now, embedded in the ignorance of Matter, Body, and Mind, we cannot truly make a Godward approach, and live in the ideal realm beyond the Abyss. The point of our experiments as Magicians after attaining to the initial glimpse of the Divine Gnosis, is too; from repeated and constant visitations and realizations of this state, bring the Divine Realization down into the knot of ignorance consisting of Matter, Body, Mind, and Self-Perception.

This is a divine alchemy, and the goal of this process is nothing less than the complete and radical undoing and transformation of the knot of the ego. Annihilation in this case is not a destruction by any stretch of the imagination, but a transcendence of the ego and negation of it. The ego becomes transparent. Annihilation of the ego can therefore be stated as "A Radical Undoing of the Knot of Ego whereby Transparency to the Divine Gnosis is attained".

This is something that may very well take us many lifetimes. And a lusting after these results, the ultimate fruit, will prevent its attainment. The experimentations of Magick are designed to compress this process into the most expedient means possible to the ego-sense and soul power as it is. This process is in actuality a breaking down and dissolution of the Abyss itself. Even a little experience with the Abyss will reveal that a dissolution of the Abyss is similar to proposing the disappearance of a black hole. The pure realms beyond the 'event horizon' of the Abyss have got to be realized as the working power and fundamental reality behind, around, above, and supporting the entire pageantry of this knot of ego that we are charged by our Angel to dissolve.

It is through this process that the powers of Magick and meta-normal human development are liberated. These may be taken as the signs of a divine transmutation. Their reality may be verified by the perfectly indifferent view the Magician takes to these powers. They are only the Divine if liberated by a growth that makes the development of these powers somehow meaningless, a simple side-effect of the real development.

A perfect annihilation is already being consummated. The Divine is working, and we have no choice in the realization. We do have a choice in whether or not we pick up the Divine Tools and set about the Magnum Opus that has been given as a gift to each and every one of us. By picking up these tools, the process of realization becomes a joy, and bliss; peace and delight. Without this choice of doing the Magnum Opus, the world is suffering and struggle. We have but only to devote our works, feel the relation, and know the truth ... this is enough to consummate the Divine Transmutation.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Seeking for the Angel

If all is Magnum Opus ... what next do I DO? This is the essential question for the Magician to answer as the second process of attainment necessary along the Way.

Essentially, the question asked is "Who Am I"? In fact this alone done as a discipline and a practice is enough to find the essential Truth the second operation of magick is designed to unfold. To Find The True Self is to attain to the first fundamental liberation in Magickal attainment.

The Self of Pure Consciousness, the Self of Pure Being, and the Self of Pure Bliss. The Magician must find some sort of means (any means) in effecting an awakening to this True Self, in any one of these aspects. While the awakening is only a beginning, it is this first experience that alone can insure for the Magician a necessary precedent in his seeking.

Matter, Life, and Mind are inferior instruments in this path. They can of course be turned into superior instruments for the use of the True Self's becoming in the Universal Play, but these are miraculous occurrences spontaneously liberated by the magickal path. The moment the Magician is impressed, fascinated (a polite word for obsession), or seeks after these effects of meta-normal development, they stop being developed and a regression or step backwards occurs.

That is not to say in the least that a Magician will be denied much enjoyment of these powers. But the enjoyment will come as an impersonal and universal peace, bliss, and delight.

These ideals however are only partially realized after many stumblings of the same old ignorance that we have been born into, being tied down to Matter, Life and Mind. This is why the first awakening of the Magician to the True Self is essential. Without this recognition of something Divine and impersonal (or Supra-personal), beyond, above and supporting the egoic and ignorant aspects of our being, the ego's progress will be a continued stumbling and half-progression, slow, painful, and frustrated.

Once the fundamental reality is realized, the Magician, even coming back into the knot of ego and ignorance for long or short times, no longer has anything to fear. The True Self is the worker, the lover, and the knower of the entire experience. Once the awakening has occured, no matter how it occurs (one does not NEED to do that myth drenched operation known as "The Knowledge and Conversation"), the Magician can consider himself sanctioned and from this point would do well to remember that he is an ignorant knot of Body, Life, Mind and a Sense of I that is going to fight it tooth and nail until finally the Knot is Undone, and a true liberation can be consummated.

In the beginning, the ego continues to stumble, and we continue lost in ignorance for a time. This is to be expected, and the more passionately and fervently the Magician sacrifices all Deeds, Emotions, and Thoughts to the best conception of Magnum Opus possible, will correspond exactly to the speed of progress on the path. No steps can be skipped, but they can be walked faster or slower depending on the factors Nature has programmed into our Body, Life, Mind and Ego from our experience of being born into a body.

Seeking an Angel is itself an act of Ego, for a seeking of something is implying a division. Eventually, the continued flashes of insight into the Presence of The Angel will unfold into a complete Union with it. Then will the realization of True Self begin to operate directly on the remoulding and disciplining of the Matter, Life and Mind. These lower elements are freely offered up as components to the manifestation of the Divine Angel, the True Soul Personality.

Invoke Often.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

-- interlude --

Their were II spirits of Space, one was a Sword and the other an Eye, they were twins and hence, One.

A Crab who held the key for all Martians there was, and two Rams.

One Ram held the Crab, and by possessing it put on the armor of the Egyptian Horus. Strong for the journey across the void, and back and forth did the first Ram go at his pleasure having put on the wings.

The other Ram tried to possess the Eye, and unknowingly the Sword intervened, for they are Twins. This other Ram had left the Fishes, both of whom loved the Ram dearly, in a quest to possess the Eye.

The Fishes consulted with the First Ram and the Crab.

The Eye pretends it doesn't know the Sword is there, and both of them being Space, the second Ram was kept grasping at something that wasn't really there. This hurt the Fishes, who blamed the Twins.

So the First Ram armed as Horus in the shell of the Crab, took up to fight the Sword with his Two Horns, one short and one long.

The Second Ram thought the First to be fighting against him, and so offered anger and subtle subterfuge in return, the Eye seeing all and playing along, pretended the Sword does not exist.

The Eye offered pain and loneliness, and with Two Horns did the First Ram fight. The Eye, seeing the First Ram fighting with the Sword, believed the Ram to be fighting in its name, but also knew that somehow the Ram was fighting against it, by way of engaging the Eye's twin, the Sword.

When the Short Horn finally held at bay the Other Ram, and the Long Horn swiftly neutralized the Sword, the first Ram staring directly into the Eye declared, "I am Fighting for the Fishes!".

The Horns fell away, and the knight lifted up his visor and from behind the Crab Armor their was only void and laughter ...

The End

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Things First

How does one become, or even decide to become a Magician?

Even though Magicians can do things like 'cast spells' or 'enchantments', create 'talismans' and explore other worlds in the 'body of light' ... this is not what being a magician is about. Those things are properly titled 'sorcery', and even though a Magician may utilize such techniques, this comes from cross-pollination, and has no bearing on what is really important to the Magician.

A Magician is concerned with one thing, and one thing only. This is called the 'Magnum Opus', or 'The Great Work'. The Magnum Opus is a process of self-perfection. While it can be stated that all human beings are experiencing this self-perfection through the natural evolutionary current of Nature herself, a Magician applies his or her energies to the most rapid completion of this work possible. In Western Alchemy around the time of the Modern Enlightenment, this was known as turning Lead (or 'first matter') into Gold.

If we look at the generally accepted definition of Yoga from Swami Vivekananda (who informed the great Aurobindo through dream transmissions while Aurobindo was imprisoned), we find that Yoga is "a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life, or a few years, or even a few months of bodily existence." There is no better way to define the Magnum Opus than this, which also happens to be the truest definition of the Eastern Practice of Yoga.

This is very important and requires careful attention. There are many would be Mages out there who get so involved in watered down and incredibly primitive Western Paradigms, who have no real understanding that the aims of Magicians and the Ancient Vedantics and Yogins and Taoists and Buddhists and thereby Martial Artists, are absolutely and precisely the same thing. Many Magicians will disagree and debate me on this point, and as much as I respect their opinions and perspectives as true, I also recognize them as partial and therefor wrong in terms of an Integral Interpretation of Magick ... but I digress ...

The first thing a True Magician finds himself doing, is devoting himself to his own self-perfection or God-Realization. Being a Magician in the West is therefor no different than being a Yogin in the East. This was Aleister Crowley's fundamental gift to the paradigm and culture of Western Magick. By basing his system of Magick on the success of meditation (samadhi), he shewed without a doubt that these currents, while wildly different in expression (as East and West usually are), are fundamentally searching for the same source and summit of attainment.

Coming across Magicians who are concerned with nothing further than evoking demons or angels, or using Magick to attack others or somehow meta-physically gain material benefits in their life, one should simply laugh and move on. Its not that these things aren't possible; in fact all of the above is easily accomplished for a Magician; its just that these kinds of sorcery are rarely needed, if at all, in the life and times of a True Magician involved in the Magnum Opus.

I was in my early twenties when I completed my first Magickal Operation. Devotion or realization of the Magnum Opus is always the first successful act of Magick for a Magician. It marks the moment of true adulthood in life. It also marks the moment when Magick took over my life. Raped me as it were, and demanded that I walk the path I was put on this earth to walk. Everything that has happened and continues to happen after that is easily seen as occurring within the limitless and ever-present scope of the Magnum Opus. Many Magicians will consider this as false and self-limiting ... however this is actually a reflection of their own false and self-limiting paradigms ... a fundamental misunderstanding of the ever-present nature of the Magnum Opus.

The Magnum Opus by nature is beyond ego. The Ego, or self, is a component to the Magnum Opus, and the Magnum Opus is that; from the perspective of the self; which is living you right now. You, as an ego or self, are being lived by the Magnum Opus right now. Being a Magician is about accepting this, and cultivating the Genius through evolution which can recognize and participate in the Magnum Opus.

The moment I devoted myself to the Magnum Opus was the moment the adventure of my life truly began. The cycles and spirals of time and evolution ceased to be as rigid as I had grown up believing, and the feeling of destiny I had lived with for so long, while remaining real, became squarely my responsibility.

That is what the Magnum Opus essentially is; the acceptance of responsibility for one's deeper purpose, and the offering of the gifts that are essential to the fulfillment of one's life. Beyond the clench of your fear, beyond the practical considerations of one's life, the Magnum Opus and the realization of it, is the one underlying current of the life of the Magician. All else is play.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I am a Magician. The kind of Magician that is mythologized and fantasized in books. I'm the real deal. Magick is very much different than what you may have been led to believe. In fact, Magick is much more real than what you may have been lead to believe.

In the year 2009, the world is on the teetering brink of a new emergence. Children of special quality have been coming to the earth for some time now. Super Sensitive and possessed of natural bullshit detectors, we the Indigo/Crystal/Star Born Humans have come to this earth to ease it through this transition.

First and foremost we are Healers. As healers, we are lovers. As lovers, we are deeply confused most of the time. This is where Magick comes in. The Superpowers that are developed through the art of Magick are not the reason for doing or learning Magick. In fact, when this artistic science is approached with a mind drunk for power, the only thing received are small powers, and bigger problems.

Being a Magician is the greatest of responsibilities. A Magician who has picked up the Magnum Opus is sworn by destiny to complete the work. The Magnum Opus is a mighty and terrible thing to approach, until the consciousness is first annihilated and reconstructed...

You may be asking or saying to yourself something like, "First of all, this person is a whack job, and secondly, why in the Uni-Verse would someone want to 'annihilate' their consciousness"?

This is an excellent question, and one I will have to let you figure out for yourself. I will say only that consciousness annihilation, or formless absorption, is the way up. If one survives the way back down, one can then freely understand and utilize the meaning of the phrase 'the way up is the way down'.

A Magician who has attained this growth can be rightly considered an Adept. Freely moving along the entire spectrum of consciousness, without actually having a 'me' anywhere along the path. This is also the way of the Tao. This takes careful study and consideration, and some years of work; hopelessly meandering on the Magickal Path, until finally being smote by the lightning bolt of realization.

There is more to Magick than Consciousness Annihilation, its just that a magician is not possessed of any real Magick Power until this initial operation is constituted. The fear of death mucking up the miracle working every single time ... yes I said Miracle Working. Miracles are very natural, this also demands careful study and attention if one really wants to have the power to do anything.

Further on Miracles ... once the Magician is possessed of the power to do anything, the Magician finds that he is constrained by his commitment to the Magnum Opus, the commitment which possessed the Magician of the power to Transmute anything into anything in the first place. This constraint, in actuality not a constraint from the perspective of the Magician in this Divine Possession, means for the Magician that in every moments arising, moment to moment to moment, there is only one action perfectly aligned with that which is beyond the moment of consciousness annihilation. A real Magician does this thing every time.

Christ was a Magician.

Everything I share in this blog is real. I am a real person. I live in Harlem. I live a real life with pain and suffering, frustrations, and above all, love. Essentially, my way is the way of love. The pure way of love, love liberated by any means necessary, whether they be viewed as fair or foul, or wisdom or folly by the consensus reality that may likely never understand the work it has been given us Magicians to do in the world at this time.

I am a Magician, I live in Harlem, I talk to Angels. I can control and possess for my own use any spirit or Demon from this world or any other. The reality of Angels is much more present, real, terrifying to ego, and powerful than any lesser spirit or Demon could ever be. Getting the Angels of the Lord to do your bidding is the blackest of all Magicks. Becoming the Lord, the realization of soul (i.e. consciousness annihilation), puts these Angels at your command. The difference is astounding and requires careful thought and attention. Magicians are notoriously falling into Narcissism, which is easily done when the true powers of Angels flood as light into the energy body and reformulated consciousness of the Magician. In the strictest sense, Magick is Yoga.

This is not Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings. This is real.

I am a Magician, I live in Harlem. And this is my story ...